Archive for the ‘SEO tools’ Category

Chirag Sharma SEO tools

Chirag Sharma SEO tools

As we start building our websites there a hell lot of things that we have to keep in mind so that there is no problem later at the time of Search Engine Optimization of that website, because a very small mistake could make you down in the Search Engine Ranking Page’s, These mistakes are often human mistakes that are unavoidable but mistakes can be avoided by the use of the professional web building tools that will go according to your choice. The tools you use totally depends upon your requirements and the work you want to make out from that tool, According to the use you can choose which tool to use, that may be available for free on Internet or may be paid that are made available by many companies online, You have to make the choice that your website is worth using the paid tool or the free tools are enough for it.

Here I am providing 17 most useful tools that you can make use of

Google Analytics:  This is the tool that is provided by the Google itself for keeping the detailed track of your websites, Analytics incorporates many features like setting goal, detailed analysis of the website visits, targeting the customers, and you can check your traffic sources, your content supremacy and lot.

Webmaster tool: This is the another tool that is provided by the Google to check out keyword strength and the keyword that are doing good in SERP’s, keyword that are attracting visits on the page.

Keyword analysis tool: This tool help you to analyze the keyword that you are going to use the keywords that you want to use are correct, that means how many people do really search from those keywords, and your scope of the keyword.

Google Adwords: This is the paid tool provided by the Google that is much more an advertising tool that let you advertise your website on Google sponsored pages.

Crazy Egg : This tool offers a myriad of analytical tools to help you visualize what visitors are doing.

clickdensity : This is a full suite of usability analysis tools that will help you assess your web page design.

ClickHeat: This is a very important tool which let you visualize your website design, it will tell you which part of your website attracts user and which part is left untouched or not given importance.

RSS Feed: This is not a tool but a very essential thing that should be used on the website, so that a user that visits your page could get the new updates from the websites whenever you update it next, this maintains the user interests on your website and creates a goodwill in their eye.

Google PageRank Prediction: Google page rank tool helps you to analyze what your page impotence with the user; this is calculated by the Google itself to provide SEO experts with the page importance.

Backlink Checker
This helps to Find backlinks linking to a website and provide with their URL information.

Ping Test
This tool is used to check the presence of an active connection.

Alexa traffic Rank: Alexa rank compares yours website to your competitor websites and gives you ranking according to it, Despite of PR which ranks from 1 to 10 Alexa rank goes from 1 and above

Index Checker
Index checker checks out the total number of pages that has been indexed by the search engine.

Spider View
This tool enables you to view your website from a perspective of a search engine spider.

SEOmoz Page Strength SEO Tool: This tool provides you with your page importance on the SEARCH ENGINE.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool : It is a free tool that provides the keyword information from each major search engine and let you know that whether the keyword you are going to use is worth using or not?

Domain Tools: Whois Lookup and Domain Suggestions: As you all know that the domain name is the key factor that is responsible for the SEO of the website this tool give the best suggestions for the domain name that is in the market already in use and the domain that you should use.

These tools are the most effective and are free, many dealers and companies provide the paid tools that can be used for more effective results, But remember these tools does not gurantee any success on the Search engine ranks, this totally depends upon your website architecture and your work against your competitor, your research and new ideas that are put on work by your SEO expert.